The UK has introduced completely new laws to improve flight safety, which mandate that mobile devices and other electronic gadgets must be checked before boarding..
Such a decision became necessary after the announcement of the country’s intelligence agencies about possible terrorist acts using completely new types of explosives. It cannot be detected in the traditional way, so passenger controls have been tightened. This especially affected all kinds of electronic gadgets, the compliance of which is now being checked at an increased level..
If a situation arises with the impossibility of checking the device due to its completely discharged state, the owner will have to leave it in the inspection zone. In the event that the owner failed to prove the authenticity of the communication device, it remains with the airport security service. It should be noted that no one will irrevocably pick up such devices — they can always be picked up at the airport upon arrival or received by mail..
At the moment, such rules apply only to potentially hazardous flights. These include airliners flying from the Middle East and Asian countries; they receive increased attention from law enforcement agencies..