Among all the options for finishing the ceiling, wallpapering is especially popular. The advantages of this method of putting this coating in order are that it is very cheap, but at the same time it gives an excellent result. Just take into account that it is not as easy to carry out this work as we would like..
Therefore, you need to immediately take care of finding helpers. It is best if three people are gluing at once. It is necessary to start work with the preparation of the foundation itself. If the ceiling was previously treated with oil paint, then it is worth additionally degreasing it with a solvent. By the way, now many began to choose the design of curtains for the hall, photos can be found on the Internet.
If any defects are found, they are eliminated with plaster or putty. To get the most even surface, you can even stick a sheet of drywall onto the base. But in this case, you will need to protect all joints with a reinforced painting mesh, which is covered with plaster.
When the ceiling is fully prepared, you can start preparing the glue. It is applied to the wallpaper and ceiling surface with brushes. When the wallpaper is well saturated with glue, they are pressed on one side of the ceiling with the edge of the canvas, and then the entire piece is simply sequentially glued. Air bubbles must be removed.