A total of 200 guest workers have passed the Russian language proficiency test since the introduction of amendments to the law «On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens», which took effect on December 1.
We will remind, as previously reported by Independent News RU, according to the law, from the beginning of the month all labor migrants who came to Russia to work are required to confirm their knowledge of the Russian language by passing tests. To receive exams, 250 methodically provided centers were opened throughout the country..
Many media representatives, and the politicians themselves, began to joke about this — supposedly these labor migrants who came to take the tests are the only ones who know Russian. However, it should be noted that they all passed the exams quite successfully..
As explained in the Federal Migration Service, there is no need to worry about such a low turnout yet, because many labor migrants have not yet run out of valid work permits. Most likely, most of the migrant workers will come for testing after the New Year holidays..
Although a completely different opinion was expressed by the head of the association «Tajik labor migrants» Karomat Sharipov. He is sure that the adopted amendments to the law on the introduction of tests for language proficiency are nothing more than another way of extortion from visitors, because three thousand rubles for migrants is a rather large amount and it is unlikely that after the New Year there will be more people who want to take tests..