When repairing and installing the ceiling, it is important to follow some rules. The ceiling is part of the interior and should blend into the overall harmony of the apartment..
The lower the ceiling height, the lighter its background becomes. It is recommended to select the color of the ceiling one or two shades lighter than the walls. In low rooms, you should not use suspended ceilings, since they will reduce their height by another 10-15 cm. Before repairing, you need to prepare the surface of the ceiling, since even the most fabulous shades will not hide cracks and defects on its surface. Do not forget to buy a new wire before repairing.
Leveling is carried out by applying gypsum plaster. After each drying of the layer, an acrylic primer is applied to the surface. So that there are no cracks, the surface is covered with a cobweb and a finishing putty is applied.
Painting and whitewashing are the most common ceiling finishes. It is simple and cost effective. Even with small skills, you can perform cosmetic repairs yourself.
Special compositions are sold that allow you to prevent gaps when painting the ceiling. When applied, such formulations have a pink or blue tint, and when dry they turn white. For ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom, it is better to use special moisture-resistant compounds. You can repaint the ceiling several times..