Ulyanovsk is facing an ecological disaster. The timing of the disaster is already known — it will come next year. Officials of the mayor’s office who plan the budget, including allocating money for the environment, will be guilty of the deterioration of the environment. Andrey Saltykov, Chairman of the Environmental Protection Committee of the City Hall, made a statement about the city’s pending environmental disaster. He said that instead of the expected 30 million rubles for the environment in the budget for next year, the financial department found only about five million, and therefore had to suspend a number of programs. Now in Ulyanovsk there are only two ecological target programs. This is the «Clean City», which provides for the installation of new container sites for garbage, the fight against unauthorized dumps and much more. The second program is «Green City», dedicated to putting in order the parks and forests that entered the city along with the suburban zone, specially protected natural areas, and the improvement of water protection zones. With this arrangement, the whole city will not be far from turning into one big heap of garbage. According to Saltykov, due to the redistribution of budget funds for more important purposes, funding was cut not only for the environment, but also for other targeted city programs. So the trouble doesn’t end there.