A report published January 30 in Pediatrics magazine found irresponsible American mothers tended to overuse opioid pain relievers like oxycodone, codeine and methadone in an interesting position, while not forgetting about soul-cheering substances like marijuana, marijuana substitutes. (spice), as well as cocaine and amphetamines, which are «bath salts». Taking cocktails of drugs with their parents, babies after excision of the umbilical cord appear before the eyes of obstetricians irritable, deprived of appetite, with trembling arms and legs, convulsive seizures, diarrhea and an incessant piercing cry.
In each maternity hospital, patients are checked for drug addiction, and it is possible to conclude whether a drug addict was born to a drug addict or not only after analyzing the baby’s urine and original feces. People who are born addicted try not to get sick, keep them in twilight and silence, and feed them with high-calorie milk formulas. If this does not help in the first 72 hours of life, then babies have to be stuffed with medications that facilitate withdrawal. Getting used to them, newborns run the risk of involuntarily «transferring» from one dope to another. But so far it has not been possible in another way, at least in the United States. In the post-Soviet hell, drug addicts prefer not to say anything to anyone, to give birth in the toilet and throw children in the trash cans..